Ease Out Of Your Comfort Zone. 

In the warmth and comfort of the comfort zone, life feels familiar, the same, and safe.

Familiarity is comforting for many and stepping out of the comfort zone can feel overwhelming and daunting. Comfort zones can be limits or barriers defining what we already know and what is safe.

However, personal growth and development often requires moving beyond what we already know.

The reality is we have made our comfort zone a safety bubble and stepping out is scary, if we want to try new things and meet new people the only way is taking a small step out.

Here are some easy ways to start the process:

1. Gather information. 

If there is something you want to do or try, do some research and get all the information you need to give you the confidence to give it a try. 

2. Step by step.

Take things one step at a time, make a plan and this helps trying something new less daunting. 

3. Change up your routine.

A really good starting place is to change around your routine. Choose a new walking route, a different place for lunch or a new coffee shop. This will help you step out of your routine rut. 

4. Do one thing you've always wanted to do. 

Challenge yourself by picking one thing off the list that you've always wanted to do. A new skill, a new exercise, even a new author, just one! Self-confidence comes from trying something new.

Living life inside your comfort zone does have its benefits, it's safe, familiar, and secure. However, stepping your toe out you find what motivates you, what challenges you, and what brings you joy. One step at a time.

You also discover growth opportunities and wonderful new experiences in all aspects of your life.

If you have been trying to or dreaming of doing something more challenging and fear leaving the comfort zone, I can help you.

We can work together to choose a challenge, set a doable goal or bring more joy and engagement into your life.

You can contact me here for more information.


Have More, By Doing Less.