Intention The Way To Find Direction

We talk a lot about goal setting and future goal setting, however that never really worked for me. I would set a future goal but as it seemed so far away I would forget or abandon it. I could see it in the far distance, and it seemed a bit unattainable and overwhelming and then felt disappointed when I never achieved or reached it. 

One day while speaking to a client she said her plan was to travel when she retired, however she was worried about her health and how this would affect her travel plan. So, I told her all she could do now was concentrate on her health and to intend every day to do something or take steps to improve it. And then I realized that was exactly what I needed to do.

Rather than be overwhelmed by a goal set for the future I would intend in the moment instead as that seemed very doable. I noticed with every intention it gave me focus and direction and I found myself moving forward and ticking boxes and feeling a sense of achievement rather than disappointment. 

So, what is an intention?

An intention is a focus statement to guide you in a particular direction. Every action starts with intention. Setting and stating an intention gives a message to the universe that you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve what you want.

So, what are the benefits of setting an intention:

  1. An intention is a commitment to yourself and your life, so that you are always focused on your own well-being.

  2. Intentions can set the focus and tone of your day, directing your day in the way that you want it. 

  3. Regular intention setting can influence the direction of your life.

Intention setting involves focusing your thoughts on a particular direction of what you want to bring about or manifest.

Decide on that day what you need, it can be motivation, focus or you can intend for a peaceful day.

The magic of intention is the more you intend for the best for you for your own well-being and self-care, the more the opportunities start to appear.

The practice of intention can be as simple as just jotting down a word for the day. Every day “intend” your day in the direction you want it to go, it can be as simple as joy. Intention setting brings you to the here and now, and it is only in the here and now that we can manifest or make changes or focus on what we truly want and desire.  It is a practice and a process but an extremely rewarding one.

If you feel it’s time to change the direction of your life or if you want to learn how to include yourself in your everyday life, I can guide you there through a process of becoming clear, learning how to see yourself amid the chaos, teaching you how to value your time and most importantly how to make pockets of time throughout the day for self-care.

You can contact me below for more information.


Overthinking, self-care can help


The Art of Asking – getting clear on what you want!